It is no secret that Missourians take a great deal of pride in their work ethic. From farmers to truckers, office workers to retail workers—Missourians get the job done. While our citizens are known for hard work, our lawyers at The Law Office of Chris Miller often see and handle workers’ compensation cases involving overexertion.
While on the job, a worker that is overexerted may be more likely to cause or suffer injury. The line between being ambitious at work and your personal safety is often thin, and you should always prioritize your personal safety. If you were hurt in an accident related to overworking, you may benefit from consulting a Columbia overexertion injury lawyer.
Overexertion can lead to a variety of injuries like tears, sprains, strains, and other soft-tissue injuries. These types of injuries often affect large portions of the body and can take a serious toll on one’s livelihood. Workers often display signs of overexertion before causing or suffering injury. Here are some common signs that might suggest a worker is suffering from overexertion:
Workers in the construction field are most likely to suffer from overexertion. However, just because you do not work construction does not mean you cannot suffer from overexertion. Common tasks that can lead to overexertion include:
A skilled attorney could help you seek compensation if overexertion caused you to suffer an injury at work.
Studies suggest that around 25% of all workers’ compensation claims are related to some sort of overexertion injury. In fact, according to the 2020 Liberty Mutual Workplace Safety Index, overexertion injuries are a leading cause of workplace injury and, ultimately, cost U.S. employers nearly $14 billion per year.
Taking preventative measures can help minimize work-related injuries caused by overexertion. The Missouri Department of Workers’ Compensation highlights these steps to prevent work-related injuries caused by overexertion:
A local attorney familiar with overexertion accidents could provide legal help if your employer failed to provide breaks or other safety measures to prevent injury.
Even if all the preventative measures outlined by the Department of Workers’ Compensation are followed, a work-related injury due to overexertion can still happen. Here is what you should do in the event that you are injured at work due to overexertion:
While working hard can be the mark of a good employee, many workers suffer from overexertion due to lack of breaks and long hours. If you suffered injuries while on the job, seek legal help today. A Columbia overexertion lawyer could work with you to obtain compensation.