No one wants to consider the possibility of it happening, but the sad fact is that serious accidents happen in the workplace every day, and sometimes, those accidents can lead to an employee’s untimely end. In 2022 alone, the state of Missouri experienced 108 workplace fatalities. Instances like these rip families apart and ruin lives, but the families of those who were lost do not have to suffer alone.
The Division of Worker’s Compensation has systems put in place so that those people can receive benefits after a death in the workplace. To get the compensation you need, however, you should talk to an experienced workers’ compensation attorney in Columbia.
When someone dies due to a workplace accident, the surviving spouse and children of that person are entitled to receive benefits from the employer. Similar to a non-fatal accident that happens in the workplace, a workplace fatality must be reported within 30 days of it occurring for the work comp process to properly start.
The surviving family members of a lost loved one are only entitled to workplace fatality benefits in Columbia under certain situations. The most obvious of which includes an employee dying because of an injury caused at work. Still, there are other situations where the family of the deceased can receive benefits after their death. If your loved one was on permanent partial disability or permanent total disability and passed away due to an unrelated cause, for example, their surviving spouse and children could file a claim.
Exactly what kind of benefits you will receive is entirely dependent on what happened. In the case of someone on permanent disability who passes away, you are usually compensated through a lump sum. For employees who died while working, however, any dependent of the employee in Columbia could receive ongoing workplace death benefits in the form of a weekly payment. The employer is also responsible for compensating the funeral expenses in the event that an employee is killed in a workplace accident.
If you’ve recently lost a loved one due to a workplace accident, you should get in contact with a work comp lawyer as soon as possible. In order to receive the benefits you and your family need during these hard times, you will have to negotiate your loved one’s employer and their insurance agency. You may find that these parties are much more interested in closing your case than helping you recover financially.
A worker’s compensation lawyer can be the person in your corner, the one with your best interests in mind. From filing paperwork to gathering evidence and communicating with the other parties, they can handle the whole process for you. Theirs years of experience make them experts in handling these situations, and they can help you get a settlement that allows you to fully grieve.
If your loved one was killed in a workplace accident, you have a limited amount of time to start the claims process for workplace fatality benefits in Columbia. To do that, you’ll need an attorney who can handle your case with the sensitivity and compassion you deserve. If that’s what you’re looking for, then call us at the Law Office of Chris Miller. We’ve helped hundreds settle for hundreds of thousands, and we can help you too.