Columbia Robbery Lawyer

The criminal offense of robbery in Columbia is a serious charge. Robbery is classified as either a class A or class B felony offense, depending upon the allegations of the case. It is the Boone County prosecuting attorney’s job to prove your guilt of any robbery charges to a jury beyond a reasonable doubt. By working with an experienced theft defense attorney as soon as possible, you can begin your case to protect your rights. Do not hesitate to consult with a Columbia robbery lawyer about your case.

First-Degree Robbery

State law defines the offense of first-degree robbery as forcibly stealing property while:

  • Causing serious physical injury to any person; or
  • Being armed with a deadly weapon; or
  • Using or threatening the immediate use of a dangerous instrument against any person; or
  • Displaying or threatening the use of what appears to be a deadly weapon or dangerous instrument; or
  • Stealing any controlled substance from a pharmacy.

The term “deadly weapon” can include items that are meant to look like a deadly weapon but are fake and not actually dangerous or deadly. For example, a toy gun could be alleged to be a deadly weapon under state law if it is used while forcibly stealing property of another.

Robbery in the first degree is a class A felony, carrying a range of punishment of 10 years to life imprisonment in the Missouri Department of Corrections. Given these severe penalties, it is crucial to work with a skilled defense lawyer familiar with robbery cases.

Second-Degree Robbery

State law defines the offense of second-degree robbery as forcibly stealing property while causing physical injury to another person. Robbery in the second degree is a class B felony, carrying a range of punishment of 5 to 15 years in the Missouri Department of Corrections. A dedicated attorney could help you fight back against allegations related to second-degree robbery.

Potential Defense Strategies

A robbery conviction can have serious implications for employment, education, and living arrangements. Employers often look for theft, stealing, or robbery convictions using criminal background checks on potential employees. A robbery conviction could prevent you from obtaining gainful employment. Student loans and enrollment could be affected following a robbery conviction. Additionally, some landlords choose to not rent to convicted felons.

It is the prosecutor’s burden to prove the accused’s guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. There are many possible defenses to a robbery case depending upon the facts of your particular case. Not every case is the same and it is important to get a robbery attorney in Columbia engaged early to gather and examine all of the evidence in your case. These types of cases often involve large amounts of evidence. The discovery process, or the process through which a defense attorney learns of the evidence being presented against their client, can be extremely lengthy. The discovery process in robbery cases often involves (but is not limited to) video surveillance, pictures, text messages, social media posts, witnesses, and witness statements.

Contact a Columbia Robbery Attorney Today

A person facing robbery charges will want a defense attorney with extensive experience in handling robbery cases to review the evidence being presented against them. Contact a Columbia robber lawyer today to get your case started! You do not want to wait!

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