Thanksgiving Fatalities Drop in Missouri for the First Time in Three Years

 As we’ve discussed before, Thanksgiving can be one of the deadliest times to drive in the United States. In Missouri, it can be particularly rough. Data pulled from FASS (the Fatality Analysis Reporting System), Missouri is actually the seventh deadliest state to drive in during Thanksgiving.

This year, however, might see a rise in Missouri’s ranking as a safe state. In spite of an increasing trend since 2020, the preliminary reports from the Missouri State Highway Patrol reveal a significant drop in accidents and fatalities. In 2022, MSHP reported nine deaths on Missouri roads, the same as 2021. This year, Missouri only saw 4 traffic fatalities over Thanksgiving break.

Alongside those fatalities were 431 crashes, resulting in 138 injuries. MSHP also reported 103 DWI charges given out over the break. The Thanksgiving season can be so hectic, due to the sheer amount of people moving places and the copious amounts of alcohol consumed at Thanksgiving feasts. A DWI is not something that should be taken lightly: not only is it extremely unsafe to drive while intoxicated, but the charges that follow could haunt you for the rest of your life.

The Law Doesn’t Stop for Thanksgiving

DWI charges can be so destructive because your punishment is twofold. First, the Department of Revenue will suspend your driver’s license within 15 days if you do not ask for a hearing. A suspended license can be a serious obstacle to everyday life, especially in Columbia. Even if you are granted a hearing, you can still very easily have your license suspended. The criminal charges are even more severe. Depending on how many times you’ve been charged with a DWI, you could be only facing a misdemeanor. Granted, that would still come with a fine and possible jail time. After your third DWI, you face felony charges, with higher punishments and the lifelong label as a felon.

That is why hiring a DWI lawyer is the first step you should take after getting a DWI charge. A criminal defense attorney can help you handle both the administrative and the criminal side of your case. They can help you gather your evidence and present your case in both hearings. A lawyer is an invaluable tool that could save you from a lifetime labeled as a criminal.

Call Chris Miller for Your DWI Case

Although everyone is excited to see a drop in accidents and fatalities this year, that does not mean there were none. If you were pulled over by law enforcement this Thanksgiving break, you should get in contact with a lawyer immediately. At the Law Office of Chris Miller, we have the expertise needed to handle your case with care and attention. Call us today for a free consult!