Missouri Law No Longer Requires Helmets on Motorcycles


Governor Mike Parson signed legislation into law that gives Missouri motorcyclists the option of riding without a helmet. Riding without a helmet, according to the provision in the law, is contingent upon being over the age of 26, having medical insurance, and having proof of financial responsibility.

Proponents of the bill say that laws requiring motorcyclists to wear a helmet violate the freedom of motorcyclists. They say that Missourians 26 or older should be able to decide whether or not they want to wear a helmet. Several national highway safety organizations, including Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety, urged the governor to veto the bill. The organization claims that the law will be hard to enforce because you cannot determine a person’s age or whether they have insurance while they are riding a motorcycle.

Choosing to Wear a Helmet Could Prevent Severe Injuries

The Law Office of Chris Miller would like to take the time to remind motorists that Missouri roadways often present dangerous conditions. Traffic, weather, construction, and road repairs plague Missouri’s roadways, and riding a motorcycle without a helmet makes conditions even more dangerous. Even if the law does not require it, it is always in your best interest to wear your helmet. It was designed to keep you safe.

Our Attorneys Could Help You

If you or loved one is injured in a motorcycle accident involving another driver, contact a Mid-Missouri personal injury lawyer today. You will want an attorney who understands how dangerous Missouri roadways can be for motorists. Columbia is centrally located between I-70 and Highway 63, and personal injury lawyers in Columbia are no strangers to motorcycle incidents involving injury or death. Contact our office today if you or a loved one was injured or killed in a motorcycle collision. An experienced attorney could make the difference in your case.