How Will the Pandemic Affect My Case?


The effects of the pandemic have permeated every aspect of our lives. We have had to reorganize how we work, go to school, interact with each other, and everything in-between. The pandemic left a lot of our clients wondering, “Where does this leave me in my case?” At the start of the pandemic, courts were delaying hearings and trials left and right. Everyone involved in some sort of legal matter seemed to be left in the dark. At the Law Office of Chris Miller, the last thing we want to do is leave our clients in the dark. So, we got to work.

Our new office, located in the Cherry Hill District, is equipped with the comprehensive setup you need to handle all your legal matters remotely. We have a new video conference room that enables us to meet with clients and attend hearings on behalf of our clients remotely. We have acquired software that enables us to send, sign, and mark documents over the internet without ever having to come into contact with a person or physical document. Keeping our clients informed about their case is one of our highest priorities, and we have a duty to achieve that priority safely. Our clients can contact us remotely 24/7 regarding their cases with our new text-your-attorney software. At the Law Office of Chris Miller, asking a question about your case is as easy as sending a text message.

How Have Legal Proceedings Changed?

For the most part, our firm handles cases in and around Mid-Missouri. Here is how we have seen court proceedings change in Boone, Cole, and Callaway County:

Boone County

For most hearings at the Boone County Circuit Court, people are given the choice between appearing via Zoom Meeting or in-person. We urge our clients to appear via Zoom if the option is available. You can attend your hearing using a Zoom link that it is sent to you via email. Zoom can be used on any computer, smartphone, or tablet with a front-facing camera. If you choose to attend your hearing in-person, you will be required to wear a mask.

Cole County

Cole County Circuit Court does not currently offer hearings via Zoom Meeting. Temperature checks are administered before entering the courthouse. Additionally, individuals must wear a face mask to enter the courthouse.

Callaway County

Most Callaway County Circuit Court Judges do not currently offer hearings via Zoom Meeting. Masks are required to enter the courthouse. Some hearings take place in-person while others are given an iPad on which they attend their hearing from the lobby of the courthouse.

Contact an Attorney About Your Claim

If you have any questions about how the pandemic could impact your case, give us a call. Our firm is here to answer any questions you may have.