If you are injured at work, chances are that you will want to file a workers’ compensation Claim for Compensation. We’ve previously discussed the types of benefits that are available to you in all workplace injuries. In order to get permanent disability benefits, and sometimes even medical and temporary benefits, you will need to file a Claim for Compensation.
You can find the Claim for Compensation form at the Missouri Division of Workers’ Compensation website. Before filing a Claim for Compensation, make sure you have taken all of the necessary steps to preserve your rights to the claim.
Typically you will need a lot of information that is on the Report of Injury that was filed with the Missouri Division of Workers’ Compensation. Here is some basic information you will need when filing your claim:
- Your Injury Number (located on a Report of Injury as the “Jurisdictional Claim Number”)
- Date of Injury
- Your Average Weekly Wage (this is used to help determine the amount of permanent disability benefits)
- Your Employer’s name, and mailing address
- Statements about the parts of your body that were injured and how they were injured
Once you have filled out the form, you will need to send the original and three (3) copies to the Missouri Division of Workers’ Compensation. They will then send the Claim to your Employer and their insurer (if they have one) so that they may admit or deny the claim.
If you need assistance in obtaining any of the information on the Claim for Compensation form, you could contact the Missouri Division of Workers’ Compensation. Sometimes getting and compiling all of this information can be overwhelming, especially if you’re dealing with medical appointments and trying to heal from your injury. A workers’ compensation lawyer can help you navigate through this complicated process and preserve your rights under the law. Contact Chris today to see if he can help.