In Missouri, if you are on probation you could be released early depending upon the charge you are currently serving a term of probation for and how well you are doing on your probation. In 2012, Governor Jay Nixon signed HB 1525 which allows a term of probation to be reduced by thirty (30) days for each month you are compliant with supervision, if you are eligible.
You are eligible for the earned compliance credit if:
You are not on lifetime supervision;
In compliance with the conditions of supervision;
Have completed at least two years of supervision;
Not ruled ineligible by the sentencing court or Missouri Board of Probation and Parole; and
You are currently on probation, parole, or conditional release for Class D or E Felony or any offense listed in Chapters 195 or 579 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri (Drug Offenses).
Offenses that are specifically barred from earning compliance credits include:
Stalking, 1st Degree
Rape, Second Degree
Sexual Assault
Sodomy, Second Degree
Deviate Sexual Assault
Assault, Second Degree (when attempting to cause or knowingly case physical injury to another person by means of a deadly weapon or dangerous instrument)
Sexual Misconduct Involving a Child
Endangering the Welfare of a Child, First Degree (when the person knowingly engages in sexual conduct with a person under the age of seventeen years over whom the person is a parent, guardian, or otherwise changed with the care and custody)
Invasion of Privacy
Abuse of a Child
Aggravated Stalking (prior to 1/1/17)
If you are charged with certain offenses, the court can make a finding that you are not entitled to Earned Compliance Credits. Those offenses include:
Involuntary Manslaughter, First Degree
Involuntary Manslaughter, Second Degree
Assault 2nd Degree (when not otherwise already prohibited)
Domestic Assault, Second Degree
Assault of a Law Enforcement Officer, Second Degree
Statutory Rape, Second Degree
Statutory Sodomy, Second Degree
Endangering the Welfare of a Child, First Degree (when not otherwise already prohibited)
Felony Weapons Offense (Chapter 571 RSMo)
An early discharge is a final release or discharge from probation, parole, or a conditional release. Either the sentencing court or the Missouri Board of Probation and Parole can authorize an early discharge from your term of probation or parole based on your Earned Compliance Credits. Earned Compliance Credits accumulate in the amount of thirty (30) days for each month that you are compliant on your term of probation and are not subject to court approval. Once you have accumulated enough credits, you could be eligible for early release and should talk to your probation officer. And if you have further questions, you should contact us right away.