3 Details to Include on Your Workers’ Comp Injury Report


Whether it’s a minor scratch or a broken leg, any incident that leads to an injury in the workplace must be reported through the proper channels. Even incidents that resulted with no injuries should be reported if the situation was dangerous. Not only does this help your employer keep the workplace safe, but it helps them keep record of injuries in the event they need to be compensated.

Reporting your injury to your employer is one of the first things you should do after the accident occurs. The Missouri Division of Workers’ Compensation has an example of what the form will look like, but there are very key pieces of information you will need to put on that form if you want to be properly compensated for your injury.

Date and Time of the Accident

Your employer will want you to go into great details about the circumstances that led to your injury in the workplace. First and foremost, they will want to establish a timeline, both for your sake and for theirs. By giving them an accurate timeline of what exactly happened, you are setting yourself up for a successful claim. They might also ask you for a retelling of these events as you remember them, along with the date, time, and location.


Another extremely important detail in the moment of the accident is the presence of witnesses, or a lack thereof. Your employer or their workers’ compensation insurance company do not assume that you are being dishonest, but anyone who was there when the accident occurred can corroborate your story. Multiple perspectives of what happened will paint a more complete picture for all parties. Make sure to write down anyone who witnessed the accident alongside you.

Extent of Your Injuries

This injury report is one of your first opportunities to establish a paper trail of your work injury, something that is incredibly important to the claims process farther down the line. In the report, they will ask you to explain how you were injured. Be as detailed as you can about the difficulties you’re facing. The injury report will also ask if you’ve been injured or had medical treatment for that part of your body before. This will also be used in your upcoming proceedings to determine the benefits you’ll receive.

Call Chris Miller for Your Workers’ Comp Claim

Injuries in the workplace are an unfortunately common occurrence in Missouri. In 2023 alone, the state has 76,248 incidents reported, with 102 of those being fatal accidents. If you or someone you love was injured at work, you could be entitled to compensation. At the Law Office of Chris Miller, we have years of experience helping clients go through the work comp process, and we can help you too. Give us a call for a free consult!